
Showing posts from September, 2021


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,2021 TOPIC: THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE LAST DAYS   TEXT: Matt 26:34-35 _Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples._ LESSON How should we prepare for the challenges that will herald the folding up of the kingdom of darkness and the physical re-appearance of the Christ?  Peter made a very patriotic statement whilst Christ was preparing their heart for his departure and the events that will accompany it. The strength of Peter surely failed and was saved by the intercession of the master who knew the plan of the devil to take him away _“Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has asked excessively that [all of] you be given up to him [out of the power and keeping of God], that he might sift [all of] you like grain.But I have prayed especially for you...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,2021 TOPIC:  MAKE ROOM FOR THE GLORY TEXT:Gen 12:1-2 (NIV) _The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you._ LESSON Consecration is a means to make room for the glory.We shall learn about this today. Consecration is speration plus dedication.You are separated from the world and dedicated to the kingdom.Two legs on which your consecration stands.This is the precursor for glory. God does not just need men that will hero-worship him  rather those that can represent Him. In fulfilling this same vision, consecration is a necessary step. At creation, man yearned only for God, but after the fall, men craved for things.The restoration of the soul to the condition of total yearning for the will of God is consecration.  Desire is the gate of the soul. When a soul absolutely desires God and his will, the manifest presence of Jehovah becomes real to such fell...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,2021 TOPIC: GLORY TO THE NATIONS TEXT:Josh 14:13 (NIV)  _Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance_ LESSON The mother of the church is the nation of Israel.The promise of God to the Israelites was to make them a light to all the nations.The work of the levite was to make them align with laws of God and the leaders  to lead them into their portion. An average Israelite was so ready for an inheritance among the heathens.This is to preserve the earth because the law of the Lord is the source of life that preserves the earth from decadence. We are the light of the world ( Mat 5:13,14), where no light is there will be darkness.This is the reason why we must spread every where with the light of love. Genuine love is the marker of the kingdom. Whoever claims to know God and does not love does not know God. See how sweet the world will be with brotherly love everywhere? Sin will be destroyed by the...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,2021 TOPIC: SECRETS OF CHRISTIAN GROWTH TEXT: Heb 12:2(ERV)_We must always think about Jesus, like people who go on looking at him always. He is the example of someone who believes God completely. He leads us and he will cause us to believe completely. Jesus died on a cross that people had made from wood. He had a lot of pain and people were very ashamed of him. But he refused to think about that before he died. He knew that God had chosen the way for him. He knew that God had chosen to make him very, very happy later. And now he sits in the most important place next to where God sits as king_ LESSONS What you fellowship with determines what you become. Eve fellowshipped or entertained a thought contrary to God’s will and fell into carnality. This drew her and Adam from the will of God. In the above text, Jesus fellowshipped with God’s will for him always. He meditated on it, saw the benefit of working in it, always prayed about it etc. He...


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,2021 TOPIC: THE COMMONWEALTH TEXT: Eph 2:12(NJKV) _that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world._  LESSON A believer need not envy the blessing someone else enjoys because we all have equal access to the Father's treasure.  Although we might have different levels of knowledge which is due to growth.  As read in Matthew 6:33 that meditation in Kingdom realities makes it real in our understanding.  The term  _commonwealth_ has its origin traced to the welfare of the public. It has a variety of uses today but the sense of a common benefit still appears in all. There is a commonwealth of Israel which the Jews have explored till date but now the Church has legally been grafted to a greater promise. The deposit of this wealth is in promises and covenants. This is the kingdom welfare pro...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,2021 TOPIC: REST IS IN HIS PRESENCE TEXT: Ex 33:14(NIV) _The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest._ LESSON The mark that distinguishes believers as the chosen is the manifest presence. True rest lies in him. This is true in reality by this manifest presence.  The possibilities that find expression through his manifest presence are indeed enormous. His goodness is his presence. Ex 33:19  _And the Lord said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion._ We were not only redeemed by the blood but we have access by his blood to his presence which is the holy of holies (Heb 10:20) Heb 10:20-22 _By a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 ...


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,2021 TOPIC:HUNGER FOR GOD’S MANIFEST PRESENCE Ps 42:1(NIV) _As the deer pants for streams of water,so my soul pants for you, O God_ LESSONS David's desire to know God’s ways and his person was the same as life itself.He discovered that real life is in Christ.A man that can survive without God’s  manifest presence is a man without one. The vacuum created by the absence of God’s life cannot be filled by something else. Without God’s manifest presence, divine direction is a problem, the battle is still your battle, your life is still your life, but when his manifest presence guides on daily basis,  nations will fear, power will flow, mountains will move (psalm 114). Ps 114:5-7(NIV) _Why was it, O sea, that you fled,O Jordan, that you turned back,  you mountains, that you skipped like rams, you hills, like lambs?  Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord,at the presence of the God of Jacob_ Most often, it is probl...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 TOPIC: POWER OF GOD’S PRESENCE TEXT: Ex 19:4(NIV) _and brought you to myself._ LESSON The place we dwell in Christ is in Him. A believer can't manifest the glory of God in a greater measure than the value he has for God’s presence. His presence is kingdom in us.  Treasure and value God’s manifest presence. It is our greatest asset. Samson trivialized this and sin robbed him of the manifest presence. He became emptied and lost the glory of God. Moses treasured God’s  manifest presence and he was a man of His glory. In fact, it was impossible to behold his face as normal Israelites could not behold his face. His secret was his value for God’s presence. Ex 33:16(NIV) _How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"_ Unbelievers can buy cars, build houses etc but only the presence of ...


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,2021 TOPIC: ON THE EAGLES WING (1) Text: Ex 19:4 (NIV) _'You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself._ LESSON The seed of glory in believers that was deposited for kingdom expression by the word of God is the Spirit of God. No fruit without a tree and no tree without the seed. To bear kingdom fruits, we must recognize the kingdom seed, nurture the tree of life in us and dispatch the fruit of the kingdom to the world. Rev 22:2(NIV) _down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruitevery month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations_   The Holy Spirit  is the fountain of glory. Now we want to learn how to unlock this fountain on  continuous basis. As it is in many matters of life, the basic principle is constant. _'You yourselves hav...


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 TOPIC: THE MARK OF GLORY TEXT Phi 3:14 _"I go forward to the mark, even the reward of the high purpose of God in Christ Jesus"_ LESSONS God has a mark set for His fullness to be seen. We must grow till we reach this mark of glory. If someone starts a degree program, there is a mark for the crowning. So also in the kingdom race, there is a mark for glory. Num 32:1 illustrated the quick satisfaction of the appetite of two tribes of Israel as they followed God to the promise land. They saw the good pastures and decided to settle down so quick. This is natural with human flesh. The flesh has a way of limiting the promises of God! Your inheritance in Christ is according to his promise not defined by your sight. On your way to that final point, you will meet several things on the way. You can see that Joseph passed through many junctures before he got to where God had prepared for him on this earth to represent him.  Psalm 115:...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 TOPIC: FOLLOW THE SON INTO GLORY TEXT: Matt 11:28(NIV) _"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest._ LESSONS This is a promise of the son to all who believe in him because of the price he has paid. It was not a mere talk, he actually paid the price. He descended from glory to be human flesh and suffered the worst death just to secure the doors of the eternal treasure house unto men forever. He paid the price and suffered for us. In becoming a son, our understanding of the price he paid and the zeal to see the priceless treasure he procured for us being maximized must be top in our heart. Have you seen the joy of having eternal life through Jesus? what does it mean to you now? Can you see the power of indwelling Spirit sending life to your soul? The joy of the finished work in Christ is the fuel to grow into sonship. Nothing can confront you that you cannot solve all because of this new life that you...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,2021 TOPIC: GRACE AND GLORY TEXT: Rom 3:23 (NIV)  _for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God_ LESSON The height of the functionality and expression of divinity in humanity that was lost at the fall was restored by grace.There is no glory without grace.Grace is the ladder into the height of glory.Truth and grace also go together ( John 1: 14-16). Grace is released on a system of divine dependence and it helps until the man reveals and reflect the glory of God. That is the help that grace brings. It is a help till we come to the standard of glory. In Eph 4:13, grace boasted of bringing all to the level of maturity. The maturity there is same as perfect, standard etc. Jesus was manifested on earth to set the standard of grace. Grace will produce and must produce Jesus in all belivers because grace produces the standard which God has set and that is the glory of God. I hear this, there is someone that needs divine help, God sa...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,2021 TOPIC: THE CALL OF GOD AND THE GLORY OF GOD TEXT: Judg 15:3 _Samson said, "This time I cannot be blamed for everything I am going to do to you Philistines._ LESSON It takes a man standing in the calling to boast of some level of authority on the earth.Do you think Samson was using physical energy ? No! he has been sent to bring an end to the philistine oppression. As long as he is moving in that direction,he cannot fantmhom the extent of the energy released.How can a man kill thousands with fresh jaw bone of an ass? If it is dry,it might have been sharp in the edges and easy to handle.It is not the jaw bone that killed thousands of well fed,well trained military men! That is quite ridiculous.It was not a stone that killed Goliath.The whole forces of heaven back up a man that dare to stand in his call for kingdom purpose.Do you know what? Even when the intention of Samson was wrong but the direction was right,he made it! He kill...


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 TOPIC: EXPRESSING THE KINGDOM SEED TEXT: Est 2:4 _Then let the girl who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti_ LESSON The greatest of ones treasure is that of pleasing the king. This was the criterion that brought Esther into limelight. Whenever a man makes pleasing God his priority, it leads to a cascade of events and actions that lead to the manifestation of the hidden glory. However, It is beyond the scope of this article to have an exhaustive study but we shall see some of such cascade of events that follow. 1.Purity: God is Holy and anyone who seeks to please him keeps himself. The women sought were all virgins (kept life, preserved substance not wasted life that the king sought.) Even if you got born with a bad past, you still need to be filled again! You must understand and walk in the kingdom principle for restoration else you will not manifest the due glory. Only men with preserved substance manifest the fullness ...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 TOPIC: KINGDOM SEED AND KINGDOM GLORY TEXT: Est 6:12-14(NIV)  _Afterward Mordecai returned to the king's gate. But Haman rushed home, with his head covered in grief,  and told Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. His advisers and his wife Zeresh said to him, "Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him — you will surely come to ruin!"_ LESSONS The seed of the kingdom in us has the power to uproot, unseat and destroy the seed of corruption, shame, death, poverty etc. The mystery of the kingdom power is in the seed !   Gen 3:15(TLB)  _“From now on you and the woman will be enemies, as will your offspring and hers. You will strike his heel, but he will crush your head."_  The seed was in the grave for three days but finally he conquered death ( Psalm 16:10) The verdict of Haman was spoken by an unbelieving wife ...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 TOPIC: REVELATION OF HIS GLORY (3) TEXT: 1 Peter 1:2 _For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God._ LESSON The kingdom of God in us is likened to a seed that when it fully grows it produces place for birds of the earth to rest. Lack of the understanding and recognition of that seed leads to men being stranded in the journey of life. Matt 13:31-32 _He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. 32 Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches."_ From the above text, glory is a product of growth which leads to the expression of kingdom potentials you are loaded with. Growth is a process that expresses the fullness of God’s glory, God’s plan, God’s ...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,2021 TOPIC: TOOLS FOR REIGNING WITH CHRIST Text:1 Cor 14:1 _Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially  the gift of prophecy_ LESSON There are major equipments of the saints for reigning in this earth realm.  A Christian that is not equipped this way will be unproductive in service and representation of the Kingdom. He will operate more naturally than spiritually. Since all the treasures are in the spiritual realm, we should know that the tools of the gifts of the Spirits are part of this discussion.  Joseph was ahead in his days by fanning the gifts of interpreting dreams which was the deposit of God in him,  Gen 41:12” _We told the dreams to a young Hebrew fellow there who was a slave of the captain of the guard, and he told us what our dreams meant”_ TLB.  Likewise  Daniel and many more others. While the world just displays talents, the Kingdom Citizen displays God through their gi...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2021.  TOPIC: REVELATION OF HIS GLORY (2) TEXT: Col 1:27(NIV) _To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory._ LESSONS That mystery then is now revealed in Christ. The emphasis of a life that will manifest the glory of God must be Christ. The Jews then had many teachings that was different from the grace which is now available in Christ. Grace is the ladder to glory. If grace is missing, there can not be glory! Paul stood firmly on this teaching that the only source of glory was Christ. No other pathway! Today, it is more revealed that the source of our glory is the nature of God we possessed by the new birth which when fully expressed produces a dimension that cannot be seen among the mortals but immortals. This was how Daniel manifested the glory in Babylon. He operated a dimension of the divinity among humanity and he was called a God! ( Dan2:30...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,2021 TOPIC: THE KEY TO ALL SECRETS TEXT: 1 Corinth 14:2 _"For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries"_ LESSONS When we talk about communion with the Spirit, just imagine a long time gist with a friend. You will end up saying what you didn't initially want to say. When you gist with the Spirit, you end up being in custody of many secrets. One of such ways is to speak in tongues meditatively. It just opens your spirit to fellowship with the Spirit. Many things start coming to you like streams of thoughts. Those are the secrets of the kingdom. Many go to herbalists because they want to know some secrets about their life. That is not your portion as a vessel with the new wine. When you need to access some secrets, fix your mind on that area, praise God, and proceed with exciting tongues speaking moment, the secret must sho...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,2021 TOPIC: THE REVELATION 0F HIS GLORY TEXT: John 17:22-23 (NIV) _I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one_ LESSONS The most important thing to note in this scripture is that he gave us the same glory that was given to him by the father. So, if we want to know the glory of the son, we have to study his glory. Knowing him is knowing ourselves in him. Who he is is who we are on this earth. If  someone says: _I may give you a car, it is different from I will give you a car._  We need to know the glory he walked in as a son, that is the same glory that he has redeemed us into. John 17:22(TLB) _"I have given them the glory you gave me-the glorious unity of being one, as we are"_ The secret of partaking of this glory is to know the meaning and implication of partaking of his nature and being one with Him. Just like a wife has all the confidence to claim whatever belongs to her husband as her ow...


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,2021 TOPIC: WRONG ATMOSPHERE TEXT: Matt 13:58 _And he did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief”._ LESSONS This was a story of Jesus filled with the Holy Ghost and in time of His manifestation.It was the right time for manifestation however wrong atmosphere hindered him. The same is happening to the Holy Ghost today. The Spirit in the life of some is just like a man in prison.He cannot do anything.The atmosphere is bad. But He will still remain as long as the person is still a believer though dormant. The Holy Spirit is like in prison in the life of some. Right atmosphere is inevitable to correct growth just like a seed needs proper soil with right nutrients in adequate composition for it to grow. The word of God is a seed with great potentials. In fact, it can do and will do anything including all impossibilities if well planted in faith. With all that is embedded in it, it will remain dormant if not well planted in fai...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND, 2021 TOPIC: WHO ART THOU? TEXT:  Gen 1:26  _God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them  reflecting our nature……”_ LESSONS What happened at the fall of man was  disconnection not a dissolution. The potentials God  invested into Adam went into quiescent state but did not dissolve. The life of God is the power source to make all these things work. When the separation took place, Adam died(functionally).This is similar to saying that the power source ,life source was put off. Similar to when you put off the light source of a house. Darkness and lack of functionality of man’s capacity were the result. Let us consider this analogy. If a house is well electrified with fan, AC, electric bulb etc and connected to the public light source and starts functioning. When all these appliances are put on, there will be beauty in that room. This is how the glory of God is seen in man. The manifestation of the de...


Min. Emmanuel G. is a Nigerian singer and gospel songwriter who started singing at the age of 12yrs. Born: 1994 (age 27 years), Delta Parents: German Friday  Education: Imo state polytechnic  To listen please click the link below... Download MP3


 BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 TOPIC:THE GATE TEXT:John 10:9 I am like the gate. Anyone who comes in through me will be safe. He will come in and he will go out. And he will find plenty of food LESSONS Giving access for the will of God to be done on the earth is the responsibility of man as a gate. A gate gives access and also creates restriction.  Man was given charge of the earth and the legal gate to this earth realm. Even the devil knows this but man sold out (Psalm  115:16). Gates( places of influences and authority) have been taken by the devil. It is not a place of contention. God is raising sons in his quiver so that he can speak to the enemy at the gate (Psalm 127;5). Christ after his victory restored the key back to the church (Matthew 16:18).  Authority is hereby given to the church to give Kingdom legal access to operate on the earth The effect of the Kingdom on the earth realm will hereforth depend on the extent of the responsibi...


BUILDERS DEVOTIONAL DATE. TUESDAY AUGUST 31, 2021 TOPIC: BE DESPERATE FOR A CHANGE TEXT:  Judg 6:13-14 _"But sir," Gideon replied, "if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, 'Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the Lord has abandoned us and put us into the hand of Midian."The Lord turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"_ LESSONS No discovery without a search. Your purpose is a discovery and you must be willing to do the search. Even God is revealed to only those who seek him. To seek is to search for something desperately. Your purpose is a fragment of what God is doing on the earth, so therefore, it is not a common commodity but very valuable. Many died without discovering the hidden plan of God for them.  Those who fulfilled their purpose are the agents of positive ch...